Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have two girls.  I am fully aware of the future issues I may have because of this.  I definitely do not need you, random lady at the grocery store and everyone else I encounter, to tell me about how much they are going to hate each other some day.  I know that as these girls get older they will probably fight like crazy and most likely even claim to "hate" each other at some point.  I only have one sister and I am 11 years older then her so I don't know what it will be like for these girls but I can imagine.  However, I also know that most sisters grow out of that phase after they leave the teenage years and frequently become very very close friends.  I will cherish this time because right now my girls adore each other.  Berkeley is completely obsessed with Joie.  Joie is the only person who, without fail, can always get Berkeley to smile and laugh.  She loves her so much.  Joie also loves her baby sister.  The only time she doesn't like her is if Berkeley grabs her blanket and slobbers on it.  Multiple times a day for months now Joie will hug Berkeley, which of course makes Berkeley laugh and smile, and says "Look Mommy look" and I always say something like oh how cute, or you guys are so sweet and then Joie always say "take a picture!".  So we have about a million pictures like this.

I literally have at least 20 more of these on my cell phone.  I've embraced the fact that these girls might not always like each other but at least I've got the proof that at one point they were very best friends!!


  1. I feel the same way about my girls. I actually pulled out the video camera one day to document the fact that Alexis thought it was hilarious when Cassie pulled her hair, because I knew the day would come when she wouldn't find it so funny. (and now it's here...)

    They are so cute!

  2. They are adorable! I wish my kids would hold hands in the shopping cart, that's so cute.

  3. a couple of things:

    1. I obviously have not stalked your blog in far too long and your girls are the cutest things in the world. Maybe you could have another girl some day and she will be just the right age for my boy? I'll keep my fingers crossed that he isn't ugly so she will give him a chance

    2. My sisters are two years apart and the best of friends. and they're teenagers right now. Sure, there is fighting because that is what siblings do, but they would rather be with each other than with anyone else. So there is hope.

    3. Can I come visit LA and make you go to disneyland with me?
