Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Girlfriend got a Bumbo and she LOVES it.  She hangs out in it on the bathroom counter the entire time I get ready and stares at herself in the mirror and frequently she just lays her head to the side and falls asleep.  Berkeley will be 3 months on Saturday and she is just getting sweeter every day.  She is so low maintenance and is happy  as long as she can see Mommy or Daddy.  She weighs almost 12 lbs and she is adorable and amazing and we are obsessed with her

We don't have anything too exciting to report on but I just can't stand going too long without putting up pictures of my kiddies!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I love that baby! I can't stand how big she is getting! Lucy loves the bumbo too! Cute girls, lets get them together for a play date!
